Science Observer
[A Monthly Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary International Journal of Science and Technology]
[Published By: Society of Education, India]
[ISO 9001:2008 Organization and Awarded By Century International Quality ERA Award 2013, BID, Spain]
ISSN 2321-8746
SCIENCE OBSERVER is a multidisciplinary, is the leading open-access journal, providing a platform for publishing innovative and research articles. As an open access journal, articles in Indian Journal of Science and Technology will always be freely available online and readily accessible. This means that your work will be recognized and can be searched in Google Scholar.
Aim and Scope
Science Observer is a International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research focuses on critical and creative research. This journal seeks to promote original research and cultivate fruitful dialogues between previous and innovative thoughts. The journal promotes original academic research in Humanities, Culture, Comparative Education, Social Sciences, Rural Development, Engineering and Technology, Sciences, Art, Commerce and Management. Providing an insight, to transform lives is the motto. One can utilize the opportunities and face challenges of this changing world.
Fast review process
The decision on your article is processed very fast without any delay and in shortest possible time. The processing period is 1-2 weeks.
Open-access & e-journal
Free-flow of the information is necessary in this world. Open-access leads to more citation and hence more recognition for our esteemed authors.
Critical and positive peer-review
The decisions of the reviewers is unbiased and whatever is the decision is conveyed to the authors.
Peer review process
Submitted article by the authors is received by the editor. The editor verifies relevance of the article to the journal’s policy for publishing such article i.e whether the article satisfies the need and technical standard of the journal. The editor sends the article to the at least two blindly selected reviewers. The reviewers have the power to select and reject the paper. The review results received from the reviewers are compiled. The results are corresponded to the corresponding author and he is asked to respond to the comments raised by the reviewers. If the editor is satisfied by the responses of the author, accepted for publication or a rejection letter is sent if not accepted The corresponding author is required to respond in due time and clarify ambiguities if any. If the paper is accepted, the author is asked to pay the publication charges.
Subject Covered:
· Life Sciences . Education
· Medical Sciences . Pharmacology
· Chemistry . Sport Science and Medicine
· Physics . Agriculture, Horticulture, Food Science
· Math . Animal Science
· All Engineering Subjects . All Relevant Sciences fields.
· Social Sciences
· Physical Education
· Environment and Ecology
Submission of paper at: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Science Observer by Society of Education is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.